Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spicy Chicken With Pictures

I bet you didn't know you were waiting for the pictures but you were. It was a weekend repeat mid-week if ya get me. Mr. Chops was watching football and I was being bold watching Lost online. Yup, there's some mighty kind peeps out there keep me a day ahead of everyone else in Ireland!!!!! Anyway, himself did the chicken again as we liked it so much last time. So look for the recipe and these be the photos:   The marinated chicken, mmmm.

All the ingredients - except for the flatbreads 

The chicken a-frying

The veg a-frying

Chicken and veg together at last

The Final Product on the Flatbread
So there you are, the pix to match the weekend's dish. Possibly tasted a bit better at the weekend but I put that down to having longer to marinade the chicken. Still, it was pretty delicious!! Oh by the way this is Exceptionally Healthy, and I put that in capitals for a reason!!!!!!!


  1. i cooked this meal this evening and it was fab. followed my own recipe of course!!!!

  2. i see you got another follower, gettin more popular by the day.
