Saturday, March 27, 2010

Treating Yourself

It's very hard when you're dieting to find things that are treats that don't put on the pounds. I got a tip from a lovely woman during a conversation at WW meeting - butternut squash crisps. Butternut squashes are a completely guilt free vegetable, therefore, you can eat as much of it as you like. It's Saturday night and my treat is some wine and there's nothing nicer with a glass of wine than some 'pickage' food, as I like to call it. I can't have peanuts, I might as well be pouring lard straight back my throat. Conventional crisps - the same. I'd rather keep my points for wine. So to make these crisps all you need do is cut your squash into thin slices, lay on baking parchment that's been sprayed with no cal spray oil on a flat baking sheet. Place the thin slices on top then spray with more oil and season with salt and pepper. Tonight I sprinkled some chilli flakes on top. Bake in a hot oven (approx 180-190C) for around 15mins until they are crispy. They may be soft in the centre but that's ok. I'm eating them while I type and I tells ya they are delicious and satisfying. I'll defintely be making more of them during the week for when I'm feeling nibbly!

1 comment:

  1. now i will have to start buying butternut squash for my weekly treat along with my few glasses of wine!!!! they sound lovely. thanks
