Monday, September 21, 2009


It was a super soccer Sunday yesterday and poor me, I had a little bit of a cold so Mr. Chops stepped up to the cooker and said he'd take the dinner in hand. Lovely it was too. He actually made today's dinner as well which is sitting in a big pot on the cooker but more of that later.

Anyway, he made great use of some chicken breasts! He wrapped them in back bacon rashers with lashings of pepper. With the roasted breasts, which took just under 40mins at 170C fan, he served roast potatoes (par-boiled roosters just basted in olive oil, salt & pepper just under an hour to cook), peas and green beans and gravy. Now we cheated with the gravy it was made with Bisto but what's wrong with that? We like Bisto ok! This is what our gorgeous dinner looked like:

1 comment:

  1. Ya that chicken sure looks good every house should have a Mr Chops
