Monday, November 23, 2009

The weather outside is frightful

Well it has been raining quite a lot where I am; the flood warning has been given; and we've to hope high tide later goes well for the area or we'll be sandbagging the doors. The Chops family took a stroll in the local area earlier this evening and I have to say that some people haven't gotten off so well and there's a few feet of water in their houses.

The bad weather has put me in the mind of comfort food and what works really well on an evening like this. I'd decided I was definitely having some kind of mashed potato. Mr. Chops wasn't feeling great so it was a one-woman dindins. I decided that as it was a solo effort that I was gonna roast up some garlic and add it to the mash. I consider it a guilty pleasure.

So I roasted the garlic (as much or as little as you want) with the skin left on the cloves, in a little drop of olive oil, wrapped in tin foil for around 30mins at 160C (fan). Let it cool down and then squeeze it from the skins into the mashed spuds. Needless to say, you have to add loads of butter and seasoning to the mash. I like it nice and buttery and when feeling really decadent I add a little drop of cream. I actually got a present of a potato ricer last Christmas and it has changed the way we eat mash in this house. It keeps the potato fluffy and soft. This is the model Mr. Chops got me, now there's a man who knows what his woman wants!!!

I ate my mash with sirloin steak, steamed broccoli and sautéed mushrooms. Now the steak wasn't great, it was a last-minute supermarket buy and was a little bit tough and chewy and Doggie Chops did get some leftovers today. Compared to the aged steaks we've been getting at our local butchers recently it was a definite let down so therein is the lesson: butcher bought is definitely best.

Now back to my studies, which I should have been doing while adding to this little blogeen.

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